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ABS Exercices 1.20
Abdominal exercises. Why do you want to go to the gym if you cantrain at home ? Make abdominal exercises and start training yourmuscles today. Learn how to lose weight with our abdominalexercises. We have all kinds of exercises and workouts. If you playsports this app is for you. We also have other types of exerciseslike push-ups or running. It's free.
Pregnancy Pilates 1.10
Pilates exercises for pregnancy. All lessonscontained in this app are for pregnant women, classified bytrimester.This is a Pilates for Pregnancy app. All classes taught byphysiotherapists, prenatal and postnatal pilates, pregnancyexercise classes, with tutorials manually selected.Can pregnant women do Pilates? Yes! Pilates is a non-impact workoutthat increases flexibility, strength, and muscle tone. Because itfocuses on your core, practicing Pilates on a regular basis canimprove posture, alleviate backaches, and ultimately help withlabor and delivery.Download Pilates for Pregnant Women today. It is free!
Ying Yang Free 1.15
In Chinese philosophy, yin and yang, which are often shortened to"yin-yang" or "yin yang", describes how apparently opposite orcontrary forces are actually complementary interconnected, andinterdependent in the natural world, and how they give rise to eachother as they interrelate to one another. Many tangible dualities(such as light and dark, fire and water, and male and female) arethought of as physical manifestations of the duality of yin andyang. The ying yang also appears in music and songs, related torelaxation. This duality lies at the origins of many branches ofclassical Chinese science and philosophy, as well as being aprimary guideline of traditional Chinese medicine, and a centralprinciple of different forms of Chinese martial arts and exercise,such as baguazhang, tai chi chuan, and Chi Kung. You can also checkour other products related to tai chi, reiki, meditation, yoga andother alternative therapies related to the ying yang.
Yoga Lessons 1.20
Yoga lessons for free. Learn with us the basicyoga meditation techniques. The most effective meditationtechniques are in thi app. We have all yoga types such as bikram,hatha and kundalini. Learn from our expert yoga masters, with ourvideo lessons. Includes meditation and weight loss exercises. Findyoga photos and videos and start learning today.
Chakra Meditation 1.10
The Chakras allow vitalize the body and achieve balance with themind. With this application you can align your chakras creating astrong connection between body and spirit. With music tracks we'veincluded for meditation of each of the 7 Chakras, you will reach aconnection to your energy centers. Also, this app will help youpractice meditation exercises, breath control and other spiritualpractices. This app is great if you like alternative therapies suchas reiki, pilates, acupuncture, reflexology, yoga or meditation. Itis pure positive energy. In addition to the videos of meditationwith Tibetan bowls and vibration, you can activate, cleanse andstrengthen your chakras.
Fertile Days Calculator 1.45
Fertile Days Calculator. Know which arethebest days of the month to get pregnant. With our ovulationcalendarand fertile days calculator, you will know with ease whenyou canget pregnant. Enter some details about your period anddiscoverimmediately your most fertile days. If you want to getpregnantthis app will help you.
Yoga For Beginners 1.20
Yoga for beginners. Learn the basicbeginneryoga meditation techniques and poses with thisapplication.Practice yoga for beginners with the best yoga lessons,teachersand easy meditation exercises. If you are pregnant, you arejustnervous or you want to lose weight, our yoga forbeginnersexercises are for you. We also photos and lessons to learnall theyoga positions and moves. It is free.
Pregnancy Week by Week 1.20
Pregnancy week by week. If you are pregnantandwant to know what happens inside your body, this app is foryou. Seethe changes that the baby inside you, such as pregnancyevolves asyou spend nine months. Learn everything you need to knowaboutchildbirth, the Fertility and pregnancy. Descubrelo withourinteractive videos of pregnancy. It's free.
Feng Shui 1.10
Feng Shui is a discipline with ancient china that explores thebalance of the energies of a space, room or environment. With theapp Feng Shui, you will learn how to attract positive energy toyour home and rid you of negative energy. Here you will findformulas to identify which places of your house or office are underthe influence of the negative energy and attract health and goodfortune to them. In this app you will find all the informationabout the idea of yin-yang is fundamental to Feng Shui. Inaddition, we will explain to you what is the ba gua or pakua, andthe correspondences between the addresses of the bagua or pa kuawith the elements water, fire, wood, metal and earth. If you areinterested to know the addresses of the good luck using the bagua,the app Feng Shui includes: The analysis of the energy map of FengShui of your space. The addresses of the good luck. The bestdirections for sleeping and the best sleeping position with yourpartner. The best address to negotiate.The best direction forstudy. The best direction for a romance, for one or two people. Thebest direction for the meditation. The best direction for exercise.The best direction for work. Organizes and directs your office,your room or your home to follow the rules of the good luck of FengShui and you will have the life you want to improve all of theseaspects: Health, prosperity and confidence. Social life andreputation. Relationship, marriage and life partner. Health andfamily life. Good luck. Knowledge of yourself. Spiritual life.Download free app Feng Shui and improve your life from the firstmoment.
Pregnancy Exercices 1.25
Exercises for pregnancy. Pregnant women can play sports. Pregnantwomen can also do sports. In this application you will findexercises suitable for pregnant women. Exercises for Pregnancycontains various exercises classified by period or month ofpregnancy, so you do your routine healthy and safely. Our selectionof routines and training classes will help them retain their shapewhile passing your pregnancy.
Burn Calories Calculator 1.60
Burn Calories Calculator. Know howmanycalories you burn doing each sport, from football to boxing,fromrunning to swimming. Set your goal and learn how much time youneedto spend exercising to lose weight, to burn calories.Calculateyour burned calories with ease, and the weight you losewith yourfavorite exercise. Get fit and train with this healthyapp.
Healthy Recipes 1.20
Learn to cook healthy recipes kitchen. Whether you want to loseweight or just eat healthy, this application will be useful. Wehave hundreds of healthy recipes, some recipes on videos. Wesalads, pasta and rice recipes, recipes for meat and fish. Cookingwithout fats and begins to lead a healthy life. Hundreds ofhealthy, healthy recipes free.
How to Get Pregnant 1.20
If you want to get pregnant and do not knowhow, this app tells you some tips on how to get pregnant. If youhave problems or difficulty becoming pregnant, this app tells youhow to avoid common problems so you can have a child.
Gluten-Free Recipes 1.20
Hundreds of recipes gluten- free. If you can not eat gluten thisapp is for you. Learn to cook without flour and other foods withgluten our healthy cooking classes. Eat healthy and gluten wheat.If you combine it with some sport every day find yourself betterand healthier. Cooking gluten-free recipes today.
Pregnancy Yoga 1.20
If you are pregnant, yoga exercises areforyou. In this application you will find some exercises, yogaandother relaxation techniques to do during pregnancy. Yogaexercisesgood for mother and baby. Learn with our yoga andmeditation forpregnancy.
Signs of Pregnancy 1.10
In the application of Pregnancy Signs 'llfindcomplete information on what are the symptoms of pregnancy, howtoidentify that you are pregnant and the changes that your bodywillsuffer during these months. With this application you willfindanswers to all your questions about your pregnancy, takingintoaccount the stage where you find the gestation period. Yourbabywill be undergoing changes and growing every week and here youwillfind out what your baby at all times.Follow here all the advice we give about the care to beperformedduring pregnancy and to make you feel better prepared forthe timeof delivery.This application includes information and videos about thesignsof pregnancy, the description of pregnancy week by week,additionalinformation about the gestation and advice and careduringpregnancy.Feel free to use the block of questions and seeking to answerallyour questions and be a mom really prepared to care foryourbaby.
Pregnancy Symptoms 1.10
Do you think you might be pregnant butyou'renot sure of that ? With this app you described what thetypicalsymptoms of pregnancy are so that you know if you'repregnantwithout having to get a routine pregnancy test without makeyou ablood test.If you know what your menstrual cycle, you can find outeasilyand without waiting to see the doctor if you are pregnantfollowingour tutorial videos on the symptoms of the most commonpregnancy.There are a variety of common symptoms of pregnancy suchas lack ofmenstruation, odors that were once enjoyable and you nowcausenausea, fatigue, mood changes... If you want to know in detailwhatthe symptoms are and pregnancy theme, download, PregnancySymptomsour application for women and clear all your doubts.